Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Black Tee Markers

The new black tee markers have been placed!!!  These will be our longest set of tee's. The blue, gold and white tees will all move up slightly.  Check out the new score card to see which set of tees will best fit you and your golf game. 

The golf course remains in good shape. Our fairways took a slight hit from the extended period of warm humid weather. The weather mainly effected the poa annua turf plants. We have poa as a result of losing grass in our fairways; the poa tries to move in and it is not our desired turf type.  If you look there is dark green plants in the struggling areas, this is the new seed we planted this spring.  We hope that some of this new seed will take over the poa eventually. The cooler weather will help along with a light application of fertilizer. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

Fall is approaching quickly!
We will see you on the course!

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