Thursday, January 12, 2017

January Course Update

January has arrived, I can honestly say it has been a cold winter so far.  I am also not very impressed with the 1.25" of rain Christmas Day!!  The weather has dictated for us to focus on snow removal and working on equipment for next year.  I am hoping the weather will break, this would allow us to get outside some time soon.

The rain in December was definitely not a welcome event.  With the ground froze there was not any place for the water/run off to go.  So as a result we do have some ice on the golf course.  Most of the ice is in the low areas on the fairways.  The good news is most turf grass can survive 90 + days under the ice, that would put us to the end of March.  We will wait and see what will happen the next few weeks to determine if there is any mode of action needed to help alleviate any ice stress.  We can always hope for early spring and Golf Season!

#17 Green January 12

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward to Spring and the 2017 Golf Season.
