Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Winter Update

This winter has been relatively good so far. Most areas of turf have been covered with good cover of snow for most of the season. I checked a few areas yesterday and there is no ice below any of the snow, this should be good for our Turfgrass. January is about done and spring is not too far away. 

The mild weather has allowed the maintenance staff to get back outside and work on some tree removal. Most of the trees, we are removing, are the hybrid cottonwoods that have lived their life expectancy.  We will continue as the weather permits. 

A few warmer days ahead, signs of a early spring??  Only time will tell!!


Friday, January 8, 2016

January Update

I hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season. For me it was great to spend time with family and friends. 

The Maintenance staff has been busy preparing equipment for the golf season. Between regular service work, sharpening of blades or reels, checking all bearings and wear points, any other refurbish needs, are all items we check to help eliminate any break downs during the golf season.  

Below is Brian putting the finishing  touch on a reel we sharpened. Sharpening the reel is just one step in the process. We also check all roller and reel bearings, replace and true up the bed knife, and check new cutting quality. Through the winter we will refurbish 60+ reels. 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. 
