An email went out last night to the member about golf cart driving and etiquette. Even with the rain these rules still apply. Carts are the number cause of turf damage on the golf course. Here are a few general rules; stay on the path when going to and from the Club House, keep all four wheels on the path, scatter your driving patterns when the cart path is not available, and just remember any driving you are doing on the course you are causing damage. See below for cart damage pictures.
With the heat and dry the golf course has been a little slow in filling in. Now with the rain I expect many of the thinner areas to fill in, most areas were seeded but did not establish. We may have to reseed some of the areas again. This week we are also scheduled for our second application of fertilizer, with a good release this will also help fill these areas in.
We will see you on the course.
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