Saturday, May 21, 2016

Top Dressing the green approach.

This week we top dressed the approach area in front of all the greens. The process involves applying a heavy application of pure sand, this will help keep these areas more firm/playable throughout the golf season.  We will try to top dress the approach area at least once a month throughout the growing season. 

The greens recently have been in a funk, they are brownish looking and just not doing much at all. The playability has not been affected just color and not looking a healthy green color.  This is a result of the cooler/ freezing temperatures last weekend, the brownish blotchy look is just the different cultivars of grass being effected by the frost. With the warmer temperatures the last few days and an application of liquid nitrogen they are on the rebound. We will continue to monitor and keep them heading the right direction.  They are getting more color in them every day. 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. 

We will see you on the course!!


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