Sunday, March 29, 2015


Started filling irrigation lines on Sunday. Sure enough we found our first leak of the season. This can be typical due to the freezing and thawing conditions we get through the winter. These conditions caused the ground to shift and move, thus cracking the irrigation line. 

So Monday we will start the day off by fixing the leak. I'm sure hoping we don't have too many leaks, we are extremely dry and need to get some water on certain areas of the golf course. 

We will see you on the course!!


Friday, March 27, 2015

Dry conditions

This winter and spring have been relatively dry. We are hoping to get some moisture the few days. Since we're dealing with the unpredictability of Mother Nature we have started to fill the irrigation pond today. 

Not sure what happen from here but we are ready to start filling the irrigation lines at any time. The weather for next week looks to be warm and dry. A good shower of rain would go a long ways right now. 

We will see you on the course!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New Garbage Containers

The recent cooler weather has put the maintenance staff back working in the shop. Today we finished grinding reels for Fischers Grove and also built new garbage containers for up be the Club House. These are some fun rewarding projects we get to do once in a while.  Shown below is Donny and Kenny applying a coat of sealer on the new container boxes. 

It looks like the weather will be turning warmer by the weekend. I hope to see you out on the course!!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Golf course open to walkers only

As of Thursday we are open for walkers only. We are not allowing carts at this time. The fairways are very soft/wet while the frost is coming out of the ground. This soft condition will continue until all the frost is gone. If we allow carts right now it would dramatically impact the Turfgrass quality in our fairways for the rest of the season. 
Today we are out hand watering some dry spots on the greens. Through many years of experience we know where these dry spots are. A little moisture now goes along ways in the spring green up. 

I hope you find the time to come out and enjoy your Golf Course!! 


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Frost level

As of Tuesday afternoon the greens were thawed 3-5". We are getting closer to the golf season. By Thursday morning we should be able to make a decision when the golf course will open. 
Thank you for your patience, it is not every year we get such a dramatic weather change. 
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 

Ross Santjer

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

When will the course open??

As of Monday afternoon the greens were thawed to a depth 2-3". We need at least 7-8" to cut cups into the green surface. We will open the course when we can cut new coup holes. It is also very wet and mushy out there while the frost is coming out of the ground. 
So when will we open? That is a good question and we do not know the exact day yet. Maybe in a day or two we will know more. 
As for now we will check greens daily and keep you informed as to where we are at. 
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. 

Ross Santjer

Monday, March 9, 2015

Education Time

Spending a few days in Sioux Falls at the GCSA of South Dakota annual meeting. 
Currently at a class about Biostimulants, taught by Keith Karnok from the University of Georgia. This afternoon the topic will be wetting agents. Time well spent!!!

Spring is near!!!