Monday, June 24, 2013

Looking better!!

Here is a picture of #6 green. This is one of the greens that was hit the hardest by anthracnose.  As you can see it is recovering pretty well.  The areas that are still a lighter is the poa annua that the anthracnose attacked.  If an area is real bad we have reseeded trying to establish some more bent grass. 

Tomorrow we plan on applying liquid fertilizer.  We are applying liquid fertilizer on a weekly basis to aid in the recovery.  The liquid is absorbed through the leaf and made available to the plant almost immediately.

Also this week we will be applying a light top dressing to the greens.  Once the sand dries we will roll in into the turf canopy. Top dressing smooths the putting surface and helps control thatch. 

If you have any questions pleas feel free to contact me. 

We will see you on the course!!

Ross Santjer

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