Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Enjoy what you can

I has been some time since I have posted a blog.  Needless to say the last month has been crazy for everyone.  Good news is the course is open and is in great shape coming out of winter.  When you are on the course please strictly follow any social distancing rules that apply. 

Greens are off to a good start. 

Below is a few other general Golf Etiquette rules    

Fix all Ball Marks

Replace your divots- No Sand N Seed for now

Rake the bunker with your feet, do the best you can 
Stay off all steep slopes in the bunkers

Golf Cart Rules-Really Important
       -Keep all four wheels on the paths
       -Stay on the path by Tee and green surfaces
       -Scatter at entrance and exits points
             Do not just drive straight on or off the
  Cart Path ends
       -Stay out of all soft areas
 -Home Owners use the cart path when going             to and from your house

Please leave this place better than you found it!

Please level with your shoe. 

Enjoy Your Course!
