Friday, November 13, 2020


Mother Nature has really had us on the move this fall. With the early snow fall, record lows.  The next week turned to record warm temperatures, now more normal like. I am happy to say the course is fully winterized and ready for winter. 

With that we have made the switch over to temporary hole locations. These “temp” holes are about 50 yards in front of the normal green. If it is nice out and you want to get out, please use the temporary hole locations on the front nine. 

The maintenance staff has started to clean equipment and getting ready for all the service work that is needed. That along with tree work and snow removal we will stay active this winter. 

This year has been a grind of a season. The course was in great shape all year.  It is only possible with efforts of the maintenance staff. THANK YOU to the maintenance staff for making the season successful. 

We are gathering any thoughts on next year. If you have any suggestions please feel free to contact me.  

Thank you for a great 2020 Season!!!


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

October 2020

October was one heck of a month.  We started out by finishing up our tournaments for the year on October 4.  The following week we hit the compaction relief. Greens, tees, collars, aprons, fairways and cart traffic areas all received some sort of relief.   This year we hired a contractor to come in and deep tine our greens.  We went to a depth of 9", this will give us some good channels in the soil profile allowing air and water movement.  As shown below.

The above photo is of a green on the left and the collar on the right.  Both the areas received a heavy top dressing of sand to fill the holes.  This will also provide a more firm playing surface.  

On October 19 the forecast really went crazy.  Predictions of snow and cold.  This left our focus on winterizing the course.  The irrigation and restrooms were fully blown out. This would be the earliest I have ever winterized the irrigation in my 23 years here.  I am still hoping to get back on the course.  There is leave cleanup, tree work and would sure like to get a heavy sand top dressing on the greens.  I am sure some would like to get a round or two of golf in also.  At this point who knows what 2020 will throw at us next?    

We are always looking to improve your course.  Let me know if you have thoughts.

We will See you on the course?


Monday, September 28, 2020

Tee surface contamination

As our tee boxes age they have started to get some bent grass contamination. We try to keep the bent grass out. There is a chemical called Mesotrione to help us with that.  

Over the next few days you will see the grasses start to yellow. The bent grass should turn a whitish color, while the blue and rye grasses will yellow and recover to a green color. We may need to apply another application to get the desired results.  There will be areas that will require some seeding to get desired grasses established. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. 

We will see you out enjoying some great fall golf!!


Friday, September 18, 2020

Fall Compaction Relief

 All of the sudden it's the middle of September.  We have had a busy season, and some extra cart traffic.  This has our Golf Course feeling a little tired and wore out.  As the fall moves along we are a mission to improve the plant health.  We will accomplish this through various methods including; compaction relief, fertilization and raising the heights of cut.  All these will have very little effect on the play ability of the golf course.  

Yesterday we started with some compaction relief of cart path entrances and exits.  This was accomplished with a wobble tine machine to a depth of 4".   We will use this same machine for the driving range and practice facility.  

The plan next is to hit the tees, collars and aprons.  We will use a 3/4" solid tine machine followed by a top dressing of sand.  Getting the sand down in the holes will help control thatch and organic matter. 

Next will be the fairways.  Again this year we will be using a slicing tine machine.   This machine can go to a depth of 8", giving us some good compaction relief.  Best part is there is very minimal disruption to the turf surface after one or two mowings.  

 Finally the greens will get their compaction relief on October 6.  We hired out a contractor to come in with a deep tine machine.  9-10" deep is common.  This is the same process on the greens as last year, with very good results.  This will require a heavy top dressing of sand to fill the holes.  All this will allow more air and water to move through the soil profile.  

Timing of all these events will very over the next three weeks, working around tournaments scheduled.  

Through all this there will be very minimal disruption to play.  

Come out and enjoy some great fall golf!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

August is here

To say the least it has been a busy summer!!  That is definitely a good thing.  I Just like  seeing all the families and kids enjoying the golf course. 

The season started off on the moist side, now we are dealing with dry conditions. We are constantly finding stuck or malfunctioning sprinkler heads. With the dry conditions we are also monitoring the soil moisture in our greens.  We have a soil probe meter that gives us instant readings.  Typically we like to keep our moisture level between 15 and 18%.  This gives us the best playing surface.  There is always areas we need to hand water to keep the moisture level up without drenching an already moist area. As shown below Matt is hand watering #9 green. 

One other practice we have been doing each month is needle tining the greens.  This provides some soil compaction with very little disruption to play.  It will allow moisture and air to move more easily through the soil profile. Once we mow and roll the greens are very playable. 

We will see you on the course!!


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Pro Am Week

It is hard to believe but Pro Am week is here.  It has been a good year so far, and many of the golf course details have been taken care of weeks prior to the event.  It seems for now we are ready for the various activities to start taking place. Just waiting to see what Mother Nature has is store for us. 

Over the last month there has several days of wind.  I am not sure how many hours of debris cleanup we have.  For the most part nothing too major has blown down, just lots of small to medium sized branches.  I know there are a few aches and pains felt by the maintenance staff.  Maybe we can get back to somewhat normal maintenance practices for the rest of the year. 

Typical tree damage the last month

The Golf Course has been in very playable condition.  I hope you make time to enjoy!!

Photo Matt Osborne #9 Green

#8 Green

We will see you on the course!


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Fairways and Roots

So there has been four fairways roped of from cart traffic.  The fairways roped off are consistently ones that struggle, due to shade winter kill or high water table.  It is almost comical watching who follows the ropes/signage and others that think they can just drive around the roped off areas.  We do things for a purpose, to make your golf course better.  Yes it may be inconvenient at times, please follow any signage or directions on the golf course.  It is a proven fact that golf carts/compaction are the #1 cause of  wearing / thinning turf.  We now have started to remove the ropes.  As shown in the picture below the turf grass looks amazing with no cart traffic on it.  I am hoping by the end of next week to have all ropes removed and yes the turf grass quality will start to suffer.

Last Fall we did a deep tine compaction relief on the greens, to a depth of 10".  The greens were struggling to get  roots going.  I was changing hole locations on Sunday, and to my surprise the deep tine aeration is paying off.  I found good roots growing and and some were more than 7".   The deep tine was very beneficial and a program we will continue.

We will see you on the course!


Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Enjoy what you can

I has been some time since I have posted a blog.  Needless to say the last month has been crazy for everyone.  Good news is the course is open and is in great shape coming out of winter.  When you are on the course please strictly follow any social distancing rules that apply. 

Greens are off to a good start. 

Below is a few other general Golf Etiquette rules    

Fix all Ball Marks

Replace your divots- No Sand N Seed for now

Rake the bunker with your feet, do the best you can 
Stay off all steep slopes in the bunkers

Golf Cart Rules-Really Important
       -Keep all four wheels on the paths
       -Stay on the path by Tee and green surfaces
       -Scatter at entrance and exits points
             Do not just drive straight on or off the
  Cart Path ends
       -Stay out of all soft areas
 -Home Owners use the cart path when going             to and from your house

Please leave this place better than you found it!

Please level with your shoe. 

Enjoy Your Course!


Saturday, February 29, 2020

Conference Time

I was able to Attend the North Central Turf grass Conference over this week.  It was a great conference with speakers like Larry Divito from the Twins, Dr. Aaron Patton from Purdue, Matt Cavanaugh from Rush Creek, Mark Michalski from TPC Minneapolis, Larry Gilhuly a retired USGA Agronomist and Roger Stewart an independent Staffing Consultant.  The talks dealt with anything from renovation to purchasing new products to Leadership and Organizational staffing.  It was a busy fulfilling week. 

This up coming week we are heading to Sioux Falls for The South Dakota GCSA meeting.  Some of the Topics are;  How to live where Excellent becomes average, Irrigation Uniformity, Remote sensing to improve your knowledge, Advance in fine Fescue, Golf Course or Nature Preserve and Advancing Your Career.  There will be much to take in in a few days. 

We took a little time to trim the trees on #7 fairway and #17 tee.  This was a good time to achieve this with some snow on the ground to help protect the turf grass.  As you can see the after pictures provide a more open fairway and tee shot.  I am sure most of you will approve.

Spring is near!!
We will see you on the course!


Friday, February 7, 2020

Is spring near?

I guess that is a typical question this time of year. The days are getting longer and the sun just seems to have a little more warming power. We recently did have a few good melting days, it sure made a impact on the snow depths.  

This week were able to get out and work on some dead trees.   We plowed a trail to the left side of #12, where we had a willow and 2 smaller pine trees to remove.  As you can see it was a nice sunny day and felt good to be outdoors. If the weather allows we do have more tree work to complete. 

As you see the stump of the tree was really leaning and slowly falling over. 

When not outside we have been working in the Maintenance Facility.  One project we had for this year was repair a beverage cart. It had a minor meeting with a tree. As shown below there was some minor frame straightening with many of the front end parts to be replaced.  Now it is ready for another season. 

We will just have to see what Mother Nature has for us the next month. Will it be an early season? Only time will tell. 

We will see you on the course. 


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Maintenance Staff of MC3.

Thank You for a successful 2019.

As you can see I enjoy the sunrises on the course.

Wishing you a great year!
