Just when we thought it would warm up and dry out, it stays cold and wet. I sure hope this pattern changes soon. I hope you have taken advantage of the few nice days we have seen this spring.
The golf course is looking good. The greens do have a golden/brownish look right now. That is a combination of few things. First is we applied a growth enhancer to the greens, this slows the upward growth and encourages root growth. Second is the cold weather is causing the plants to not uptake the nutrients like normal. And finally is we a bit of anthracnose happening. This is a fungi that loves the cold wet weather. So we need this weather to warm up and get some good growing weather. As recommended we are treating with liquid nitrogen forms and fungicides on a 7-10 day pattern. This should help us get through the stress period until it warms up. This does not effect play, just don't have the lush green color. This is what most of the greens look like as shown below, this is #13 green.

The old bunker on #17 and the driving range bunkers were all seeded 2 weeks ago. Seed is just now starting to germinate. When we seeded these areas we used a combination of blue/ rye/ fescue grasses. What you see germinating right now is the rye grass, soon the fescue will germinate with the blue grass coming up last. Please stay off all new seeded areas until the grass is well established.
Recently we installed 150 markers on all the cart paths on the par 3 holes, shown below. This will give you a quick reference for approximate yardages. Let me know what you think.
We will see you on the course!!