Saturday, April 21, 2018

Golf Course Open

Yes the golf course is open, at this time walkers only. There is still frost coming out of the ground in areas. This causes the surface to be mushy and not stable. Until everything firms up no carts will be allowed. Hope you find time to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. 

With late arrival of spring it has put 2-3 weeks of spring work into a very shortened amount of time. Some items on the course will not be addressed until the frost is out, others will take some time to get caught up. If you see anything that may need some attention please let know. 

If you are out on the course please make sure to do you part in repairing ball marks, fixing divots and raking  the bunkers.  This morning I already found a bunker not raked. This is just lazy. Please respect the course and the other golfers that play the course. 

We will see you on the course. 


Thursday, April 12, 2018


WWTCO When Will The Course Open?  At this point I am not really sure.  I would like nothing more to be open and have carts out.  Mother Nature right now has a different idea.  I am hoping that this weekends storm will be the last one, as the temperatures warm next week we can than proceed with getting the Golf Course ready to open.  Not sure what date that will be, but we will open for walkers as soon as week can change the hole locations.  What this does is it allows the greens surface to firm up slightly, giving it a firm enough surface to allow traffic and not cause any damage.  As the rest of the course dries and firms up we will allow carts.  I know the patience is running thin, but please be patient. 

In the mean time the maintenance staff has stayed busy fine tuning and cleaning everything getting ready for when the season starts.  One of the projects completed this week was a new door installed on the pumphouse.  The old door was falling apart and long over due for a replacement. 

Everything, and everyone, is ready for the season!

I hope to see you on the Coure real soon!
