Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Winter in a Big Way!

The winter season has decided to show up in a big way.  After a mild and rainy November, December is here and Old Man Winter has showed up also.  The golf course was in great shape going into the winter.  One of the main factors going into to Winter is we need the ground to freeze before receiving large amounts of snow, that has now happened this year.  This should put us in good shape, what will happen from this point on is unknown.

With the cold/snowy weather most of our time is spent maintaining equipment is the Maintenance Facility or plowing snow.  Currently we are working on our large area rough mowers, theses two mowers take the longest of any other piece of equipment to do the off season maintenance.  Winter is also a good time to keep up on education, on Monday Brian and Kenny, our two assistants, attended a workshop in at the golf course in Pierre.  There was a group of thirty equipment managers, assistants and Superintendents.  The main focus was on off season maintenance and the maintenance practice for newer style reels and bed knives.  These one day workshops can be very good value and learning tool.  Other education experiences this winter will include State Pesticide Re Certification,  regional Turf Conferences and Golf Course Superintendent Association meetings.  There is always great value getting together with others in the industry, hearing new ideas / concepts others have tried is always one of my favorites whether they have worked or not.  

The Holiday Season is near I hope you find the time to relax with friends and family.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
