Here we are in November, the weather is saying it is more like September. Still golf being played and the forecast looks like we are good at least for another week. What will happen from there is unknown. When the weather finally does turn we will switch over to temporary greens for the rest of the winter, stay tuned for more information as the month moves along.
Thursday we winterized the irrigation system, we should finish by Friday afternoon. This is always a major job to accomplish, and feels good to be done with it. It always a tough decision as to the right timing of this event, and there is no perfect answer. We will continue to monitor moisture levels and hand water as needed.

If you have been out on the course you have noticed to grass is longer in our fine turf areas. This is a normal practice going into the unknown winter season. Having a little extra cove on the grass plant can be the difference of green grass next spring, or the other alternative! This is also true for the green surfaces, mowing right now would not be a good idea and could damage the plant as it prepares for winter. Friday we plan on rolling the greens, this should help smooth the putting surface. Next week we will start applying topdressing sand to the greens, we will apply this in two different applications. After the sand is applied we will again roll it into the canopy, still providing a playable putting surface.
Come out and enjoy the extended Golf Season!!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.