Monday, October 24, 2016


This morning the temperatures were in the mid 20's.  This resulted in a heavy frost layer on the turf grass plants.  Please do not walk or drive on any frosted or frozen turf grass areas!  Any traffic on the frosted or frozen grass may result in injuring the plant or even killing it.  So please stay off all frozen / frosty areas.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

The golf course will remain open!  I hope you find some time to get a round or two in yet this season. 

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Compaction Relief

This has been a good week for the Maintenance Staff.  Compaction Relief has been in full force with the limited numbers of golfers on the course.

The fairways are receiving a 3/4" solid wobble tine relief.  This machine is pulled by a tractor and is going done to a depth of 4-5".  By the end of the week we hope to have all the fairways done.  Next week we will be hitting the Driving Range and Practice Area.

Next the tee, collar and aprons are all getting relief in the form of a 1/2" solid tine traditional aeration.  Once the relief is done we are applying a heavy coating of top dressing sand, this will be watered and rolled into the 1/2" holes.  This will be accomplished as of Thursday.  You will notice some softer areas here, this is a result of lack of roots in some of the grasses we have.  

The Golf Course is still in great shape, hope you enjoy some Fall Golf.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

October Course Update

Well here we are on the first day of October.  It has been a great fall so far, the golf course is in amazing shape, it may be the best I have ever seen it!!  I hope you have found to time to come out and enjoy the beauty of your Golf Course.

Now that October is here we will begin preparing the golf course for the unknown winter season. Over the next two weeks we will be preforming compaction relief on all tees, fairways, collar and aprons.  This will be accomplished by the use of various solid tine machines.  The solid tine will give use the needed relief with minimal disruption to the playability of the course.  The tee and collar areas will also recieve a application of sand, witch will be worked into the profile, to help control thatch and puffy areas.  Getting some sand into the profile will allowing air and moisture to move better through the profile, creating a healthier plant enviroment.

With the growth starting to slow we will also start raising the height of cut on most fine turf areas.  This allows the plant to store up more carbohydrates, building a stronger more healthy plant going into the unknown winter elements.  Having a bit taller grass surface also protects the crown of the plant from winter dessiccation, giving us the best cahnce of having green grass next spring.

If you have any questions on any of our maintenance practices please feel free to contact me.

Come out and enjoy the great colors of Fall on your Golf Course!
