Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fresh coat of paint

Time for a fresh coat of paint on the tee markers. One if the many jobs done during the off season. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dead/Dying trees

The maintenance staff has start the process of removing some dead/dying trees. Most of the trees are the seedless cottonwood, that have reached their life expectancy. 
We will continue this process as the weather allows. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Preparing the greens for winter

Today we will complete our preperation for the winter season. For our greens it is a two step process. 
First step is spraying them with fungicide, to prevent snow mold, and a anti transparent to help protect the plant from drying out. 
Our second step is applying a layer of sand, as shown below. This will assist in holding moisture near the crown of the plant.  The sand will also protect the plant from direct extreme temperatures. 
These two applications give us the best chance possible to have alive greens come spring. 
The greens will still be open this weekend!!!  Starting Monday please play the temporary green locations. 
Thank You for another great golf season.